Mole Removal

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Try Mole Removal At Home?

Have you ever been embarrassed about a mole on your face? It could be a small flaw that stands out distinctly or a big one you are tired of seeing in the mirror every day. Irrespective, mole removal might answer your quest for smooth skin.

At Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic, under Dr. Shikhar Chaube’s leadership, we understand how self-esteem can be affected by even the smallest faults. For this reason, we focus on giving safe and reliable mole removal treatments that help you feel good and enhance your appearance.

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Understanding Skin Mole Removal:

Moles or nevi (in medical terms) are common skin growths found anywhere in the body. While most moles do not cause harm, others may be removed if they affect an individual aesthetically or if there is suspicion of skin cancer.

The Procedure of Skin Mole Removal Treatment:

Mole removal is a simple outpatient surgery that can usually be done during just one visit to our clinic. First, Dr. Chaube carries out a thorough examination to understand the size, shape, and location of the mole. Based on this assessment he will then suggest the best skin mole removal method.

Surgical Excision: This traditional approach involves cutting the mole out and sewing it shut afterward, but it is effective and may create scarring, particularly if the mole is big.

Laser Mole Removal: Mole removal has been transformed by laser technology. It targets the pigment in a mole and breaks it down without damaging the skin around it. Laser mole removal is usually accurate with minimal scarring and could be best for mole removal on the face.

Shave Excision: In this technique, moles are scraped off from the top layer of skin using a scalpel blade. It can be used to treat small moles which do not need stitches.

Cryotherapy: The mole is frozen with liquid nitrogen during cryotherapy; this will make it blister, and eventually fall off of its own accord. Though a speedy process, complete elimination might require multiple sessions. 

Topical Treatments: Some creams and ointments claim to help get rid of moles but their efficacy is mostly suspect as they may work on very small and superficial moles, but are unlikely to offer significant results for larger or deeper ones.

Why You Should Never Try Removing Moles at Home

Though tempting, DIY mole removal comes with risks that one must understand well. Here are some compelling reasons why you should let professionals take care of mole removal:

Risk of Infection: Anytime you break the skin’s barrier, there is a chance that you may get infected. Removing moles at home without proper sterilization and technique can lead to bacterial contamination followed by infections.

Incomplete Removal: DIY methods such as cutting or burning off a mole might not completely remove it; and in its place, they leave behind residual pigmented cells which in some cases can lead to regrowth and even rare malignancy.

Scarring: This may arise when someone uses inappropriate techniques for mole removal; making them have ugly scars.

Misdiagnosis: All moles are not harmless. This wrong method of handling a mole without being examined or diagnosed by a healthcare specialist will most likely prolong the early detection of skin cancer or other serious diseases.

Lack of Follow-up Care: Reducing moles through professional means includes monitoring and taking care after the procedure until full recovery is achieved whereas lack of this essential part often occurs in DIY leading to your ill health.

Why Choose Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic?

Expertise Plus Expert Medical Minds: Dr. Shikhar Chaube has been practicing systematicity and accuracy while performing surgical processes related to mole removals for more than five years; therefore, he promises efficient services regarding your individual needs.’

Cutting-edge Technology: We employ the latest developments in dermatological technology to achieve superior results for our patients at Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic. We have laser mole removal among other techniques; hence we have all it takes to deliver nothing but optimal results.

Individualized Attention: We realize that each patient is unique, which is why we approach each case differently by personalizing mole removal procedures for all patients. During this healing period, Dr. Shikhar Chaube will support you throughout the entire journey to ensure positive outcomes for his clients.

Benefits of Skin Mole Removal Treatment:

Supercharged Confidence:

For many people, mole removal is a way to get smoother skin and reclaim self-assurance. When you get rid of an annoying mole, you can feel more comfortable and confident in your appearance.

Decreased Risk of Skin Cancer:

Although most moles are harmless, some may show signs of abnormal growth or changes that require further investigation. The removal of suspicious moles can reduce the chances of contracting skin cancer thereby giving patients peace of mind.

Enhanced Look:

Whether it’s one mole or several ones, removing them enhances your overall look much more. Out with the distractions and in with a clearer complexion that shines brighter.

Wart Removal


Hair Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

Other Treatments Available:

Wart Removal:

It is the act of getting rid of warts, small non-cancerous growths on the skin caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). A general wart removal would include over-the-counter approaches such as salicylic acid, freeze-off with liquid nitrogen, or surgical procedures performed by a dermatologist.


It is an ongoing skin condition that mostly affects the face leading to redness, visible blood vessels, swelling, and sometimes acne-like pimples. It typically begins after age 30 and may worsen over time. There is no cure for rosacea, but symptoms can be managed using topical medications, oral antibiotics, or laser therapy.

Hair Transplants:

This is a surgery done to treat loss of hair, by moving the hair follicles from one part of the body (usually at the back or sides of the scalp) to areas where hair is balding or thinning. Hair Transplants can be an effective way to bring back lost hair and create a more attractive appearance, especially in cases of male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss.

Eyebrow Transplants:

Same as Hair transplants, eyebrow transplants are directed towards increasing thickness, giving shape or definition which has been normally done using tattooing in the past. They can be applied by people who have eyebrows, that have become thin due to over-plucking, genetic factors, or medical conditions.

Skin Tag Removal:

This surgical procedure involves the elimination of harmless flesh-colored growths usually seen around skin folds and areas with friction such as the neck, armpits, and groin. Cutting (excision), freezing (cryotherapy), and burning (cauterization) are common ways of skin tag removal. When conducted by dermatologists; most of these methods take less time and cause slight pain.


In conclusion, If you are tired of living with unwanted moles and yearning for smoother and more radiant skin; mole removal would be the solution to your troubles. At Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic, we offer various safe and effective treatments that will help you meet your skincare goals.


Say farewell to obnoxious warts and welcome self-assurance—fix an appointment with Dr. Shikhar Chaube today to get started on a path of freedom from marks. We begin here!

Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to remove moles?

Yes, mole removal is safe when done by a professional dermatologist or surgeon. However, it is crucial to opt for a qualified expert for mole removal as some might be cancerous.

Can mole be removed permanently?

Getting a mole­ removal can make it disappe­ar. But the mole might grow back, espe­cially if part of it is left behind. Some re­moval methods can also leave a scar. In many case­s, mole removal works to get rid of the­ mole if done by a dermatologist or a surgeon. They can give­ you the right advice on how to remove­ your mole permanently base­d on your specific situation.