Innovations in Advanced Alopecia Treatment: A Glimpse into the Future

Hair is a key determinant of our personality, inspiring self-esteem and flair. It can be a traumatic experience for one who may undergo hair loss. Alopecia hair loss disease affects millions globally. Understanding alopecia and its treatment options is important for anyone fighting this condition. At Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic, Dr. Shikhar Chaube gives authoritative advice on cutting-edge alopecia treatment to help you get back your confidence.

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What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a broad term encompassing various kinds of hair loss caused by different reasons. The most common are androgenic alopecia and alopecia areata.

Androgenic Alopecia:

Otherwise known as male or female baldness pattern, this genetically transmitted condition features a progressive thinning of hair that starts around temporal regions in men; while women show diffuse thinning on the crown.

Alopecia Areata:

The autoimmune disorder alopecia areata causes hair to fall out in some people. The immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in small round patches of baldness on a person’s head, face, and other body parts.

Understanding Alopecia Causes:

There are many alopecia causes, depending on the type. Androgenic Alopecia is mainly due to heredity and hormonal change as a result of excess dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In contrast, alopecia areata is linked to an autoimmune condition where the immune system starts attacking hair follicles in the body.

Some other causes of alopecia include stress, malnutrition as well as diseases like thyroid disorders. For effective alopecia treatment; it’s crucial to find the causes for further treatment plans.

Alopecia Treatment Options at Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic

Dr. Shikhar Chaube at Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic has several options for treating different forms of alopecia. Here are some alopecia treatment options through which you can treat your alopecia effectively:

Topical and Oral Medications:

For most patients, medication is the first line of defense against baldness.

  • Minoxidil: A commonly used topical solution for androgenic alopecia that stimulates hair growth while slowing down hair loss.
  • Finasteride: An oral medication that reduces DHT levels thus preventing hair loss as well as promoting their regrowth in cases of androgenic alopecia.

Corticosteroid Injections:

In the treatment of hair loss, corticosteroid injections have been effective. These shots will decrease swelling and stop the body from fighting the follicles thus helping new hair to develop within a couple of weeks.

Hair Transplant:

If you are experiencing hair loss that is significant, the best treatment for it may be having a hair transplant. A surgical process where hair follicles are taken from a dense area such as the back of the head and moved to an area where they are thinning or have gone bald. These transplants can be used as a permanent solution to baldness while giving very natural results. Dr. Shikhar Chaube has vast experience in performing these procedures ensuring seamless integration between transplanted hair and already existent ones on your scalp.

PRP hair treatment:

PRP therapy calls for injecting platelets into your scalp to stimulate hair growth. PRP hair treatment depends on the body’s self-healing ability to rejuvenate hair follicles and encourage regeneration.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT):

Laser cap as it is commonly known is a non-invasive procedure that uses red light to activate the dormant follicles and increase the hair density on the scalp. Unlike many other treatment options, it has no pain and hence can be used concurrently with others to level up outcomes.

Eyebrow Transplant:

Similar to a hair transplant; an eyebrow transplant offers a process where hair follicles are transplanted into eyebrows, that have fallen or become thin due to alopecia or other medical factors.

Lifestyle and Dietary Adjustments: 

In addition to conventional treatments, Dr Shikhar Chaube focuses on the holistic management of alopecia. There are lifestyle changes including dietary modifications that can be highly effective in supporting healthy hair.

  • Balanced Diet: Another thing that you should do is to ensure that you include biotin, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids (some of the essential vitamins and minerals) in your diet since they help promote healthy hair growth.
  • Stress Management: When it comes to dealing with anxiety and pressure, could it be worsening the hair loss condition? You could also reduce stress levels by engaging in practices such as yoga, meditation, or regular workouts as part of your life.
  • Scalp Care: Are there any ways through which we can take care of our scalp? Maintaining cleanliness on the scalp together with frequent head massages may increase circulation around that area thus promoting the healthy growth of hairs.

Alopecia Areata Treatment: A Special Focus

Treating alopecia areata requires a unique approach due to its autoimmune nature. Eliixir Clinic offers specialized treatments for this condition under Dr Chaube:


This involves applying chemicals to the scalp that cause an allergic reaction. Doing so redirects the immune system’s focus from hair follicles and creates an environment conducive to new hair growth.

JAK Inhibitors:

They can also be taken mouth. These medicines block Janus kinase (JAK) pathways responsible for triggering the autoimmune response leading to alopecia.

Why Choose Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic?

Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic is led by Dr Shikhar Chaube whose approach treats alopecia with compassion and comprehensiveness. Here’s why his patients trust him:

  • Expertise and Experience: Dr. Chaube has years of practicing dermatology and trichology so he knows how best to treat you.
  • The clinic employs state-of-the-art technology in diagnosing and alopecia treatment; this includes advanced methods of hair transplant and laser therapy.
  • Treatments at Eliixir Clinic are designed personally for patients suffering from various forms of Alopecia.
  • Whole Person Approach: This is a principle that Dr. Chaube employs in his practice, where he doesn’t just treat your hair loss symptoms but all aspects of your life. Hence, it involves coping with lifestyle changes as well as addressing nutritional and emotional problems.


Suffering from alopecia can be challenging, however through proper care and treatment it is possible to control hair loss effectively. An appropriate alopecia treatment will be offered by Dr. Shikhar Chaube together at Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic which will help you regain your hair and confidence. No matter whether you are experiencing androgenic alopecia alopecia areata or any other type of baldness, we have got you covered with our kindhearted care that is tailored just for you.

Don’t wait for effective alopecia treatment, get in touch with Dr. Shikhar Chaube at Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic if you are suffering from hair loss. Begin your journey towards re-growing your hair and restoring confidence now!

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Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stop my alopecia?

Alopecia can be stopped by consulting a dermatologist who will then diagnose and recommend the right treatment. Stress management, diet, and other healthy habits might as well ease it up.

What is the best treatment for alopecia?

The most effective way of treating alopecia depends on its form as well as its intensity. Some of the common remedies are corticosteroid injections, topical immunotherapy, and the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). The specialist you consult will help you determine the best method to follow.

Can alopecia go away?

Alopecia is a curable disease; it disappears if detected early. In some individuals, hair grows back naturally with no medication but others may require continuous treatment to control the illness.

What not to do with alopecia?

  • Do not ignore the symptoms: Seek professional help early.
  • Don’t worry: Stress can make alopecia worse.
  • Do not use harsh hair products: Stay away from products that may irritate your scalp.
  • Do not self-medicate: Always consult with a dermatologist before beginning treatment for any condition.