Regain Your Confidence with a Hair Transplant

Hair loss can feel like an endless fight that keeps on sapping your confidence and making you self-conscious. The good news is that with modern hair transplant techniques, the possibility of having a full head of hair again is real. At Elixir Skin and Hair Clinic, Dr. Shikhar Chaube proposes revolutionary hair transplant procedures ensuring one hundred percent natural outcomes and boosting one’s self-belief.

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What is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgery where hair follicles are removed from one part of the body mainly from the back or sides of the head to the balding or thinning areas. This is usually known as hair grafting and is done when taking healthy follicles and putting them in the bald area very carefully, to produce a hairline that looks real and to increase the scalp being covered.

Why Choose Dr. Shikhar Chaube?

Dr. Shikhar Chaube is a renowned specialist in hair transplantation well known for his precision, expertise, and personalized care. Finally, at Eliixir Skin & Hair Clinic Dr.Chaube applies advanced methods to minimize discomfort while striving to achieve the maximum possible results. His approach will be tailored to each patient’s unique needs so that every transplantation will bring not only restored hair but also an enhanced total look.

The process of Hair Plantation:

Understanding the process of hair transplantation can help to reduce any apprehensions you may have regarding the operation. Here’s an outline of what will happen, step by step:

  • Consultation:

Your journey begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Chaube who examines your lost hair, discusses the goals and objectives, and establishes the most appropriate treatment plan.

  • Preparation:

On the day of the procedure, preparation is done on the donor area (usually at the back of the head). This site serves as a source from which healthy hair follicles are collected.

  • Harvesting Hair Follicles:

Dr. Chaube uses advanced techniques for extracting hair follicles very carefully; these methods include FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT( Follicular Unit Transplantation). With the FUE method single individual follicles are extracted; while FUT involves the removal of the scalp strip from where follicles are harvested.

  • Hair Grafting:

The next stage is when all these harvested hair follicles get implanted into areas that have been thinned or those that have no hair at all. Such phase demands precision to make sure that the direction, angle, and distribution of transplanted hair seem real.

  • Recovery:

After the procedure, affected persons are given proper care instructions. Usually, mild swelling and pain are experienced but they disappear within days.

Results: If you want great results, you need to have patience. The hair will start growing in a few months, reaching full development in 6-12 months. The hair plugs strike right up and grow no different from the regular ones.

Hair Transplant Cost:

Hair transplant cost is a concern for many people. At Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic, Dr. Chaube provides competitive pricing; while maintaining the highest quality. The price fluctuates depending on how much hair has been lost, the amount of grafts needed, and the method used. Getting a hair transplant is getting back the look of your dreams and the confidence that comes with it; therefore, this procedure is payment well spent.

Benefits of Hair Transplantation:

The decision to undergo the hair transplant process comes with the following benefits:

  • Permanent Solution:

The hair transplant process is a permanent solution to the problem of hair loss, unlike the temporary way, and will remain the way it is.

  • Natural Results:

The transplantation of the hair is such that it will merge completely with your original hair; thereby giving a natural look.

  • Low Maintenance:

It is easy to keep after the new hair has grown. It is just as a natural haircut, and styling only that you are permitted to do. You can wash, cut, and style it as if it were your natural hair and no one will know that it was transplanted.

  • Boost in Confidence:

A person is more self-assured when wearing thick hair, this is reflected in his or her quality of life.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

Even though hair transplantation effectively treats many clients, it is important to verify if you qualify. To be precise, the most suitable candidates for hair transplantation are individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Significant Hair Loss:

The professional term is male pattern baldness, which refers to the areas around the temples and top that are thin and have lost hair.

  • Healthy Donor Hair:

Enough number of healthy and uniform hair follicles for hair transplantation to be carried out.

  • Realistic Expectations: Realistic in their minds that outcomes are different and that the process is gradual.

Post-Transplant Care:

The full-fledged care of the hair transplanted after the surgery has been carried out is the main determinant of the result. Dr. Chaube gives a list of proper aftercare which consists of proper washing, precautions, the medicines to be taken to avoid infections, and the steps to follow to keep the hair strong and shining.

Other Treatments Available

Wart Removal:

These are rough small bumps found on the skin caused by a virus; The Wart removal process can be done by OTC medications, liquid nitrogen freezing, or minor surgery by a physician.


Also called acne rosacea, it is a condition that leads to inflammation, visible blood vessels in one’s face specifically cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, eyelids and also known as a bulbous nose which may enlarge into rhinophyma if not treated in good time. Rosacea can be managed with topical creams, oral medications, and lifestyle changes (like staying away from spicy food, drinking alcohol, and the Sun).

Eyebrow Transplant:

This is a cosmetic procedure, where hair follicles are harvested from one area of the body (usually the rear of your head) and transplanted to your eyebrows. Eyebrow Transplant is good for people with scanty or no eyebrows who want to make them look fuller and more natural.

Skin Tags Removal:

These are small flappy bits of skin that hang on human bodies. Skin Tags Removal can be done by cutting, freezing, or burning, many times with a doctor’s help.

Freckles Removal:

Freckles are tiny brown spots on the skin caused by exposure to the sun. Freckles removal can be done through treatments such as laser therapy, chemical peels, or creams applied onto the surface.


In conclusion, Hair loss doesn’t define who you are. You can recapture your hair and confidence by having a hair transplant at Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic, under the experienced services of Dr. Shikhar Chaube. The whole process from the consultation phase to the final result is very individualized and comfortable due to Dr. Chaube’s commitment to ensuring that.

If a fuller head of hair is what you want, consult today for a transformative experience through hair transplantation.

Don’t let hair loss ruin your life! Thanks to modern methods in hair transplantation, it is easier than ever before to achieve natural-looking fullness on top of our heads. Let Eliixir Skin and Hair Clinic’s doctor Shikhar Chaube guide you as you embark on this journey that will change your life forever.

Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do hair transplants last?

Hair transplantations are typically permanent. The implanted hair grows just like normal hair. However, it should be noted that overall hair density can change over time due to natural aging processes and any underlying medical conditions that may exist.

Is it painful getting a hair transplant?

The procedure is done under local anesthesia so you should not feel pain during it; though you might experience some discomforts or mild pains after which disappear with medication.

What are Hair Transplant side effects?

Common side effects include swelling, bruising, itching, and temporary loss of transplanted hairs altogether. Occasionally you can have an infection or scarring among other things.